The Extrahuman Union

Author Archive

As promised, here are the slides for the presentation on Worldbuilding Governments I gave:


Worldbuilding Governments (PowerPoint)

Worldbuilding Governments (PDF).


I have updated my bibliography, including all novels (including the forthcoming third book in the Grayline Sisters series, due out this year) and all short stories. I’ve provided links to short stories if they’re available online.

Here’s the full list.


At last. It’s been a really, really long journey for this book, but it has now been released into the world!

I’m so proud of it. I love these characters and this world, and it’s been such a pleasure to be able to write them. I feel like I got to give them the ending they deserved.

Thank you so much to Book Smugglers Publishing for everything this year. I could not be happier with how things have turned out!

I have thoughts about this over at Book Smugglers today. Extrahumans, the fourth and final book in the Extrahuman Union series–never before published–is out next Tuesday, October 18!



You can grab it here or here.

There’s also a great giveaway you can enter! Go here to check it out!

New cover reveals! First up is the new cover for the re-release of THE SPARK:


And second–the cover for EXTRAHUMANS! The new, final book in the series! This is doubling as a cover for UNCANNY MAGAZINE, and the full cover with text and so on will be released soon. But look at that art, by the amazing Kirbi Fagan!

So much good stuff! THE SPARK is out on August 23, and EXTRAHUMANS comes out in October! So stay tuned!

I am thrilled to announce that my YA epic fantasy THE DEMON GIRL’S SONG is being published by “>Dreaming Robot Press on September 25th!

More than anything, Andín dal Rovi wants to escape her small town life, helping her father in the store, watching her younger brother prepare to take the place at University she’d longed for.

Instead of escape, she gets a thousand-year-old demon stuck in her head, and she loses everything – her home, her family and her country.

In the quest to regain her identity, she finds herself racing against time to uncover the secrets of her world – and save it from utter annihilation.

Take a peek at the gorgeous cover!


Sign up for email alerts about pre-orders, giveaways, and more on this page!


New edition! New cover!

I am beyond thrilled to show you this fantastic new cover for the re-release of BROKEN (Extrahuman Union #1) which was created by artist Kirbi Fagan. I love it so much, it captures the essence of the book and the characters so well. Here it is:


You can preorder it now! The new edition is mildly updated and has cool interior art! The ebook edition also has a new short story in it!

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Kobo | Smashwords | Google Play

Add the book on Goodreads

Here’s my schedule for Boskone this weekend!

Loose Ends and Contradictions in Doctor Who – Friday 18:00 – 18:50, Marina 4 (Westin)

*Spoilers, sweetie!* Doctor Who has become infamous for its loose ends and contradictions — most of which get explained away with a little timey-wimey flash and sparkle. Yet, we still love The Doctor. In fact, many of those seeming problems tend to open future storylines and plot points. Which do we most want to see resolved? Which seem too far gone to pull back? And will we see River again … or has that loose end been tied?

Welcome to the Dark Side! – Friday 21:00 – 21:50, Marina 3 (Westin)

Where there are heros, there be villains. And Star Wars is packed with wonderfully wretched scum (versus lovable rogues who prefer to go solo). It’s so good to be bad in that far-, far-away galaxy. From palpably evil Emperor Palpatine to emo king Kylo Ren, jellybellied Jabba the Hut to big bad Lord Vader, aren’t the villains the ones who make Star Wars sing? Why do these wicked characters work? Why do we love them, or love to hate them? And are they all really the bad guys they seem to be?

Reading: Susan Jane Bigelow – Saturday 10:00 – 10:25, Independence (Westin)

The J.J. Abrams Effect – Saturday 12:00 – 12:50, Marina 2 (Westin)

J.J. Abrams is taking the Hollywood box office by storm with his innovative new films, television series, and reboots. From Lost to Star Trek to Star Wars and beyond, Abrams-developed projects delight in redefining visual storytelling, but is there a point where his creative “genius” goes too far or not far enough? What makes his work feel so innovative despite his tendency to reboot without reinvention?

The Sandman Legacy – Saturday 15:00 – 15:50, Burroughs (Westin)

At a time when the comics industry was trying to survive, Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman was published. Back then, many thought comics were dying. The Sandman opened their eyes. A gateway comic series for new readers, including women, how has its reputation fared in succeeding years? Looking back at its success, what impact has it had on comics? Could you describe the series’ influence on today’s comics, fiction, and film as, well, Endless?

Steven Universe and the Cartoon Renaissance – Saturday 20:00 – 20:50, Marina 4 (Westin)

“Believe in Steven!” Cartoons are back with a bang, and the incredible Steven (a half-human, half-Gem hero) is helping save the world. Steven Universe is just one of several adult speculative cartoons that have been praised for their complex characters and rich worldbuilding. From Space Ghost to Futurama to Robot Chicken, these shows have captured our imaginations. Why do we love them so much, and what else should we be watching?

Come check it out! I have goodies to give away and more!

Susan Jane Bigelow’s Extrahuman Union

Hey! Welcome to the Extrahuman Union, home of Susan Jane Bigelow. Prepare to be stripped of all meaningful identity. While you're processing, check out more about me on the about page!

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Extrahuman Union #1


Extrahuman Union #2


Extrahumans #3


YA LGBT epic fantasy!

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